i am not a fan of prerecorded backing tracks for the main and simple reason you are stuck totally with THAT arrangement and THAT arrangement only. Main drawback to a system like this is the set-up/teardown time involved, but soundwise and performance wise it was well worth it to me. One of my multi-bender equipped guitars and whatever amp/s i choose (2 needed if playing synth) I use a MIDI controlled (from the Solton MS40) Digitech VHM5 vocalist for harmonies Here is a very basic list of what i use, some of it a little out-dated, i suppose, but it's all paid for itself many many times over and i never saw a need to up-grade.there's a lot more to it than what i have listed, but this post would weigh in at 14 pounds if i listed it all.sorry, no pics, maybe later.įor bass/drums/rythym i use a Solton MS40 module, 400 different drum/bass/rythym patterns, with foot operated MIDI bass pedals (similar to organ pedals) operated with left foot, also has a "tonality pedal operated by the right foot that controls volume and changes chords to 7th, min,aug,min7th.you can also have drum rolls, cymbal "accents", etc.